Sunday, December 5, 2010


So today Ryan and I set out to get his hair cut.

Of course we started out at 5 O'clock.

We went to two neighboring hair cut places, one was about to close and was going to be $35 and the other girl wanted to charge $55.

Ugh F that!!

Seriously to cut a guys hair $55, I've never even payed more than $14 to cut my hair.

So we decided late this evening that I was going to cut Ryan's hair.

We had a pair of school scissors and a brush.

We debated using the fun zig zag scrap booking scissors. hahaha!

I'm pretty sure most use a comb and special scissors.

I've always enjoyed Ry's long hair and I love it in a ponytail but yesterday Ryan bought a suit and when he put it on he looked like a million dollars.

But it really hit home that the hair had to go.

It started out uber long - longest its ever been

And CHOP!! We debated shaving it and donating it. But I'm not sure if I could handle that drastic of a change.

The Final Hair Doo!!

And then we started to try and find a new style, we landed on this one!

Just Kidding!

Forgot to take a picture of the emo one with his bangs covering one eye.

I love you Babe, and thanks for trusting me with a pair a scissors in your face.

P.S. Think I missed my calling in the hair department!

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